We chose not to apply for certificates.
Instead we made a new standard:
Instead of opting for certification, we went for a much more demanding solution:
To Certify or Not to Certify?
Certification through independent companies like Ecocert, Natrue, Soil Association and many others has been great for making the skin care industry safer and more transparent. But certification solves only half of the problem. You can be sure that your product is made from natural materials and not much else
However, certification does not protect customers from poor formulations and is no safeguard against low-quality ingredients.
For example, if you use rosehip oil in your formula, you can use whatever quality oil you want as long as it is natural or organic. The term “organic“ has nothing to do with the actual quality of the oil, and just means that the plant was grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and herbicides.
In other words, the oil can be of inferior quality but still hold all the required organic or natural certificates.
That's why we were on the look-out for a stricter, more transparent method of quality control.